Monday, March 28, 2011

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is a hot topic right now and is one is the issues that is at the forefront of the environmental movement. Sustainable agriculture is a broad concept that involves replacing current unsustainable farming practices with new sustainable practices while dealing with labor abuses, especially in developing countries, while also bringing back the family farm. Current agriculture practices are unsustainable and causing environmental degradation through soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, contaminated water and soil, etc. However, sustainable agriculture seeks to stop and reverse this environmental degradation through more sustainable farming practices. Some of the more sustainable methods that it employs are crop rotation, crop diversity, and a variety of other methods. Sustainable agriculture also seeks to deal with labor abuses, especially in developing countries. It seeks to encourage governments at the local and federal level to make laws dealing with labor abuses that relate to agriculture. Sustainable agriculture also attempts to bring back the family farm, especially in rural communities. It attempts to do this by reestablishing small farms instead of replying on large commercial farms. Sustainable agriculture is a very important topic right now and there are many positive reasons to replace the current farming practices with more sustainable farming methods.